Climate Monitor Archive
Below is an archive of recent editions of the newsletter. Each headline takes you to a different edition of the newsletter with the latest editions listed first.
On the aurora borealis
A new chapter
Roux Institute kicks off climate tech incubator
Maine's new $36 million home energy rebate program
Commission considers public flood insurance
Fall in Maine is arriving later, getting warmer
On building things
Iceland's fast-melting glaciers
More money for heat pumps
The lobster housing crisis
A bird's-eye view of Sears Island
Checking in on Maine's dams
Juniper Ridge public benefit decision coming by August
Why transmission lines will help us fight climate change
Climate change, home costs converge to drive up insurance rates
'No one should be taken by surprise': Mapping imminent tidal flood risks in Maine
Will packaging rules will penalize rural communities?
We read Maine's latest emissions inventory so you don't have to
Households are worst offenders on food waste
Native plants make climate-resilient landscapes